Well, I'm back! I didn't disappear from the earth after all.......just lazy and to busy to post. Sorry.
So, what has gone on in the past two years....lots! The usual spring, summer, fall, winter stuff. All the Holidays and trips to family gatherings and campouts,
a great trip to my Daughters to go to the big quilt show in Houston where her quilt ( that took her 11 years to finish) was entered,

and a good visit with the Grandkids and I even found an arrowhead up on the hill by their house and got to see what a "horney toad" really looks like!

lots of knitting, basket making, beading,

and COOKING.....my new passion! I'm going to weigh a TON!!
We even ran into a herd of elk up where we pick mushrooms this last spring! Too cool!
Right now I'm trying to figure out how to deal with a new laptop computer and all that it does, which is a LOT more than my old desktop! Maybe that's because my old one is 6 years old which means the software is, too. Lots of cool things have happened to computer software in the past 6 years.

Well, that's about all for now....we went fishing on the Grand Ronde a couple weeks ago. I caught a 20 inch or so Dolly Varden but since they're protected in Washington, it went back in the river, not the skillet! My DH, Larry, hooked a HUGE steelhead, but it joined my Dolly (NOT Larry's idea, either). Our Son, Aaron, got a really good look at it, since he was about to grab it for his Dad, when it pulled the hook straight and got off. Aaron said it was at least 36 inches maybe more. The river was high and fast and all our favorite places to stand were under water. Don't think Spring fishing on that river is for me......I'll stick to October on the Ronde!
Hope everyone has a great spring.......I can't wait for the morels to pop up!
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