Well, here we are, almost to Thanksgiving and I never got around to the rest of our Summer Trip. Maybe later..... Been busy around here. Lots of Fall Color and projects, mainly baskets, to get done. This is apt to be a topsy turvy blog today. My Daughter is making me feel really guilty about not putting anything on my blog, so here goes.
Speaking of Fall Color, guess what......it happens everyplace!! Even at our fishing grounds!! The River was so pretty this year.

I guess we've never hit it "just right" before, but this year the colors were so vibrant and the air so crisp, (and water soooooooooooo COLD), it was definitely Fall! This is at our yearly trek to the Grande Ronde River in the southeastern corner of Washington. We didn't catch any BIG fish, but had lots of fun anyway. You can see the "monsters" I caught! By the way, all of our fish were returned to the water unharmed, so they could grow bigger so we can catch them again next year!
This fish was all of about 10 inches long.

And I didn't measure this one!

My husbands luck was just like mine (we're a matched pair!)

Here's what it looked like right outside our trailer door. This is where I paddled around. No fast water for me!

We saw lots of wildlife, mostly deer, but the sheep did put in an appearance,

and there was one really nice ram in the bunch.

We didn't see as many quail as usual, but I did manage to get a nice snapshot of one. They're so cute!

I love to see them in the spring when all the little babies are trailing Mom.
Before we left (in October) we got our grapes and potatoes harvested. There weren't as many grapes this year as usual, either,

but what was there was really nice. I gave three big lugs to a friend of mine who makes raisins out of them.

This year I decided not to have a garden.......so I planted my garden spot in fingerling potatoes. I've never tried to grow these before. I had maybe 10 short rows of them and got 140 pounds of fingerlings!!! We're set for the winter when it comes to potatoes!!

In September we went camping with my Sister and Brother-in-Law. Had a good long weekend just doing nothing!

We took the 4-wheeler so the guys could go hunting and get wood,

for our morning wake-up fires.

They brought their new puppy, Bandit, who has sooooooooooooo much ENERGY!!!

And we brought our two "mellow" family members, Charlie (the one under the blanket)

and Tippie (also under a blanket!)

He's such a sweet little thing. A very timid chihuahua. Charlie loves to oversee any card playing that might be going on!

Besides vegging out by the fire, I showed my Sister how to make a basket and hers came out so cool, but I didn't get a picture of it! It was her first basket, too!! She decided she needed to refresh her shooting skills, so she wounded several trees while killing targets!

Wouldn't want to get caught skulking around her place!
Speaking of baskets.....
here's the baskets I've been working on, Thanksgiving presents, Christmas presents, and just fun baskets to make. The bird houses are all hanging in our yard, waiting for some little bird to need shelter this winter.

This is my Farmer's Market basket that was so much fun to take with me when I shopped our local Farmer's Market. Somehow it was alot more fun to fill it up with yummy stuff, knowing I'd made the basket!

Here's my "Cake Taker" basket with a Pineapple-Mango Upside-Down cake in it.

This is a wee tiny basket I made for my Daughter. I filled it with Everlasting and it came out so cute. She makes beautiful dolls and this was supposed to come out small enough for one of them to carry, but I'll bet it's probably sitting by her work station being a "supply" basket!

My Daughter has around 20 (or so) chickens, so I made her this to gather her eggs in.

The first egg basket I made came out so weird that it won't stand up, so I put a solid bottom in this one so it definitely will sit without toppling over!

My Niece always has us to her home for Christmas dinner and I like to take her something special for all the work she goes to. This year she's getting a double wine basket. Now I just have to put some wine in it!

Her it is all decorated and ready for "wine".

We're headed to my Sisters for Thanksgiving. She decorates her house so pretty for the holidays, so I made her a cornucopia and filled it with Fall leaves and a cute little artificial quail. She can swap out what's inside so she can use it year round if she wants to.

So, there's what I've been up to. Maybe this winter I'll get around to blogging about the rest of our summer trip. I've got lots of pictures, just not much time to tell about it. January is always such a blah month......maybe then.
Hope you all have a very Happy and safe Holiday Season!