Well, another year is winding down. Hope you're as done with the "Christmas Madness" as I am! We had a WONDERFUL surprise visit to our Daughter's in Colorado, for Thanksgiving. She's always wanted someone to "pop-in" on her.....so we did! (Retirement DOES have it's perks!) A week before Thanksgiving we left here and stayed until the Monday after. What a great start to our Holiday season. I even got to go out on their property and hack down some juniper bows and made a swag and a wreath for her outside decorations. We had juniper berries all over the porch! She's got a pretty good "crop" this year. Too bad we don't know how to make "gin"! Ha! Ha!
We even got to help with the "inside" decorations! There's nothing like being around little ones to put you in a festive mood! Especially a fairly "new" little one. Hannah was so careful not to touch, but she just could resist "pointing"! Ha! Ha!
We got down to Raton while there. This was the first time I've been in New Mexico. The kids live just 11 miles from the New Mexico-Colorado border. There's a volcano not too far from Raton, so we had to go see that.
Good thing they put "resting" benches along the paths. I NEEDED a rest!
But then one of us wasn't so particular where she rested. Any old place worked fine.
Since we've been home, I've been knitting and beading. I found some adorable patterns for earrings at http://www.fusionbeads.com/, but I'm putting them on my Christmas tree. By next year I want to have an entire small tree (table top size) all decked out in just tiny beaded ornaments like these. They're made from Swarovski Crystals and twinkle in the tree something FIERCE!!!

They also had a gorgeous pattern for some drippy earrings, so HAD to make some of those, too. The scan just doesn't do them justice. They're sooooooooo SPARKLY, also made up in Swarovski Crystals!!

Larry's been busy, too. My Sister and her hubby just moved into the country, so my Brother-in-law is getting squirrel feeders for his Christmas present. Larry's been out in the garage building them. They came out so cute! I wish we had squirrels here in town, I'd have MANY of these in our yard! Don't you love the little table and chair for a squirrel! A cob of dried corn goes on the nail in the table.
Well, that's about all that's gone on around here. Wishing you all a peaceful, healthy and HAPPY 2008!