Well, retirement has set in, I think. The above is a picture of the "main retiree", my DH. I'm wondering if this is going to be a new natural pose for him, eating Bar-B Que! Seems like we've had the "Man's Staple of Life", Bar-B-Que, every day for the past week!! The guys at his work gave him a really nice "sending off" party at the local pub and so many people showed up to honor him. Actually 5 times MORE than expected. Our Son even got up for it, which was a BIG surprise for both of us!
They took up a collection and yesterday we went into Spokane to spend some of it getting his new pickup dueled off, (the pipes). Monday he'll spend the rest getting a new bed liner blown in. So he's as happy as a pig in you-know-what! We're now ready to get ready (for fishing). Going to spend a couple weeks on the Grande Ronde River in Southeastern Washington, steelhead fishing. We go every year but this year we don't have to come home in a week. We can stay as long as we want. Feels kind of strange.
My retirement didn't last long! I'm working Saturday for a couple hours to help out with the new help! Ha! Ha! I think my retirement won't be as abrupt as Larry's. I'll still go back to give quilting and fabric painting lessons and such. My work wasn't a necessity, just something to do to keep busy, so I'll probably still need to keep busy every now and then. :-) But at least now I can plan our "fun" first and if I'm around, choose to work if they need me.
So, now it's off to the grocery store to stock up for the trip. Got one week to get everything ready, then Watch Out Fish, here we come!!
Well, another Labor Day campout has gone by. That must mean I'm almost another year older! I know fall is just around the corner. It's so dry here, it's hard to tell if the leaves are starting their descent or if they're just falling off the trees because they've all dried up! The mornings are beginning to "snap" back at you. We haven't had a freeze yet, but I know it's coming.
Larry and I spent 5 days in the "wild" in our trailer. Hunting season opened and he went bird hunting every day. The birds seemed to be in fine fettle this year and their flying skills have improved. Only one decided to commit suicide and is now resting peacefully in our freezer. It will travel with us on our last camping trip of the year to the Grand Ronde River in October. We'll have a cremation ceremony there for it. Hopefully there will be another to Lay in State with it. The ceremony should be beautiful. They'll be snuggled under a thick blanket of heavy cream and cream of mushroom soup with potatoes nestled around them. The actual cremation should only take about 45 minutes at 350 degrees.
As for me, I finished the above necklace and started another one, only white with blue crystals. I finished that one here at home and it came out real pretty. Both look like winter to me. This one has deep red crystals, green leaves and seed beads. Brings to mind Christmas. I also finished a knitted purse, started and finished a Stephen King book and watched 8 dvds! Can anyone spell "BORED"!!! I was really glad to get home, which is unusual, I LOVE camping! Guess I just have too much to do here. I am looking forward to our October fishing trip.
the cows.
the cats.
the llamas.
And even little people!!!
I'm working on a felted purse that I may sell. Got to figure out how to do a store on ETSY first. That may be a while as I need to make up some things to put on there. Probably going to be hand dyed fabrics (cotton and silk), hand painted fabrics, baskets, felted purses and slippers, beaded bracelets and necklaces, and of coarse, quilts.
So, I guess this will do it for a while, at least until I get all my programs loaded back on to my computer. Hope everyone is enjoying the tail-end of Summer. It really feels like Fall here today!